Spectrum Universal Remote Codes & Program Instructions

Spectrum having more than 26 different type of universal remote such as spectrum remote codes rc122, spectrum remote urc1160, spectrum ur2-rf-chd and spectrum remote ur5u-8790l tv codes etc. Below we provided every remote universal codes of Spectrum.

These universal remote codes are the latest and also worked for most of the users. These universal codes have been mentioned in the below list and program your tv remote with below provided programming instructions.

Spectrum Remote Codes RC122 List

Brand Name Spectrum rc122 Remote Codes
Accurian 1238
Action 1087
Admiral 1011, 1023
Advent 1043, 1049, 1058, 1059, 1069, 1245
Aiko 1010
Akai 1055, 1215, 1036, 1002, 1030, 1118, 1216, 1244, 1246, 1273, 1284, 1360, 1382
Albatron 1035, 1070
America Action 1019
Ampro 1042
Anam 1019
AOC 1002, 1013, 1171, 1201, 1269, 1166, 1274, 1294, 1306, 1357, 1358
Aomni 1208
Apex 1045, 1047, 1359
Apex Digital 1041, 1090, 1045, 1047, 1096, 1120, 1250
Astar 1194
Audiovox 1022, 1019, 1010, 1027, 1053, 1072, 1088, 1135, 1247, 1256, 1257, 1238, 1364
Aventura 1017
Axion 1247
Bell & Howell 1014
BenQ 1101, 1150
Bradford 1019
Broksonic 1020, 1023, 1246, 1248
Byd:sign 1147, 1148
Cadia 1134
Candle 1002
Carnivale 1002
Carver 1006
Celebrity 1000
Celera 1045
Changhond 1045
Cinego 1261
Citizen 1007, 1002, 1010, 1246, 1014
Clarion 1019
Coby 1270, 1065, 1292, 1305, 1314, 1317, 1329, 1387, 1389
Commercial Solutions 1179, 1003
Contec 1019
Craig 1019
Crosley 1006
Crown 1019
Curtis 1323 1379 1388
Curtis Mathes 1003, 1006, 1014, 1022, 1011, 1007, 1036, 1002, 1012, 1016, 1024, 1112, 1164
CXC 1019
CyberHome 1050
Cytron 1155
Daewoo 1022, 1010, 1013, 1214, 1027, 1029, 1030,
Dell 1130, 1105, 1018, 1175, 1240
Denon 1012
Diamond Vision 1265, 1266
Digital Lifestyles 1231
Disney 1331
Dumont 1001
Durabrand 1023, 1019, 1018, 1017, 1102
Dwin 1039
Dynex 1182, 1271, 1280
Electro Brand 1000
Electrograph 1227, 1208
Electrohome 1023
Element 1065
Emerson 1241, 1014, 1020, 1023, 1019, 1018, 1017, 1027, 1172, 1251, 1361
Emprex 1177, 1192, 1231
Envision 1002, 1056, 1171, 1269, 1393
Epson 1063, 1068, 1140, 1375
ESA 1055, 1017, 1251
Fisher 1014
Fujitsu 1054, 1032, 1076, 1268
Funai 1019, 1017, 1131, 1251
Futuretech 1019
Gateway 1227, 1098, 1099, 1100, 1228
GE 1179, 1003, 1004, 1022, 1018, 1164, 1193
GFM 1017, 1251, 1241
Gibralter 1001, 1002
Go Video 1093
GoldStar 1018, 1002, 1013
GPX 1319, 1335, 1339, 1366
Grunpy 1019
Haier 1102, 1225, 1226, 1178, 1309, 1325, 1341, 1354, 1378, 1390
Hallmark 1018
Hannspree 1165, 1166, 1167
Harman/Kardon 1006
Harsper 1117
Harvard 1019
Havermy 1011
Helios 1082
Hello Kitty 1022
Hewlett Packard 1185, 1106, 1107, 1108, 1188
Hisense 1041, 1279
Hitachi 1211, 1111, 1012, 1051, 1287, 1311, 1320, 1351, 1365, 1374
HP 1185, 1106, 1107, 1108, 1188, 1355, 1385
Hyundai 1074, 1121, 1142
iLo 1137, 1206, 1017, 1217, 1262
Infinity 1006
Initial 1206,1262
Insignia 1196, 1017, 1116, 1155, 1189, 1251, 1267, 1271, 1275, 1182
Inteq 1001
iRIS 1282
iSymphony 1325
JBL 1006
JC Penney 1013
JCB 1000
Jensen 1043, 1058, 1059, 1145, 1245
JVC 1005, 1040, 1125, 1204, 1236, 1368, 1377
KDS 1065
KEC 1019
Kenwood 1002
KLH 1045, 1047, 1260
Kost 1129, 1184
KTV 1019, 1002
LG 1013, 1178, 1018, 1035, 1079, 1234, 1264, 1225, 1307, 1318, 1340, 1373
LXI 1003, 1006, 1014, 1015, 1018
MAG 1065
Magnavox 1180, 1242, 1006, 1002, 1038, 1053, 1115, 1126, 1171, 1191, 1251, 1262, 1227, 1296, 1302, 1304, 1322, 1332, 1372
Marantz 1006, 1002, 1037, 1077, 1078, 1113, 1173
Matsushita 1021, 1028
Maxent 1227, 1044, 1119, 1229
Megapower 1035
Megatron 1018, 1012
Memorex 1014, 1023, 1013, 1018, 1065, 1362
MGA 1013, 1018, 1002
Midland 1003, 1001, 1004
Mintek 1206, 1262
Mitsubishi 1124, 1011, 1013, 1018, 1066, 1084, 1195, 1312, 1324, 1349
Monivision 1035, 1070
Motorola 1011, 1065
Moxell 1065
MTC 1007, 1002, 1013
Mu ltitech 1019
NAD 1015, 1018, 1083, 1114
NEC 1002, 1026, 1013, 1091, 1173, 1219
NetTV 1227, 1044
Nexus Electronics 1279
Nikko 1018, 1002, 1010
Norcent 1041, 1061, 1107, 1171, 1200, 1201, 1202
Norwood Micro 1137, 1143, 1146
NTC 1010
NuVision 1213, 1278
Olevia 1207, 1110, 1122, 1159
Olympus 1162
Onwa 1019
Optimus 1021, 1014, 1016, 1028
Optoma 1094
Optonica 1011
Orion 1020, 1023, 1182
Panasonic 1021, 1183, 1004, 1028, 1141, 1249, 1253, 1254, 1289, 1342, 1344
PARK 1283
Penney 1003, 1015, 1004, 1007, 1018, 1002, 1164
Petters 1065
Phi Ico 1006, 1002, 1013
Philips 1180, 1006, 1034, 1113, 1184, 1224, 1242, 1296, 1302, 1322, 1345, 1363
Philips Magnavox 1242, 1322
Pioneer 1181, 1016, 1083, 1128, 1173, 1031, 1383, 1384
Pilot 1002
Planar 1186
Plasmsync 1173
Polaroid 1045, 1276, 1135, 1267, 1263, 1260, 1235, 1233, 1232, 1065, 1161, 1157, 1156, 1155, 1151, 1149, 1137, 1132, 1129, 1082
Portland 1010, 1013
Prima 1043, 1049, 1058, 1059, 1245
Princeton 1035
Prism 1004
Proscan 1179, 1003, 1164, 1277, 1286, 1279
Proton 1018, 1024
Protron 1153, 1154
Proview 1065
Pulsar 1001
Puneet 1192
Quasar 1021, 1004, 1028
Radio Shack 1003, 1014, 1019, 1018, 1002
Radio Shack/Realistic 1014
RCA 1193, 1179, 1003, 1013, 1009, 1031, 1103, 1112, 1123, 1164, 1237, 1255, 1258, 1259, 1267, 1281, 1285, 1303, 1334, 1345, 1350, 1356, 1394
Realistic 1014, 1019, 1018, 1002
RevolutionHD 1208
Runco 1001, 1002, 1026, 1173, 1210
Sampo 1227, 1002, 1044
Samsung 1055, 1007, 1013, 1036, 1018, 1002, 1046, 1057, 1104, 1197, 1244, 1044, 1290, 1295, 1298, 1327, 1336
Sansui 1023, 1176, 1246, 1182, 1248 1310 1316 1391
Sanyo 1014, 1008, 1052, 1097, 1109
Sceptre 1089, 1120, 1169, 1203, 1352, 1376
Scotch 1018
Scott 1020, 1019, 1018, 1220
Sears 1003, 1006, 1014, 1015, 1018, 1017, 1071
Sharp 1060, 1011, 1025, 1033, 1075, 1205, 1055, 1294, 1297, 1301, 1308, 1313, 1328, 1346
Sheng Chia 1011
Sherwood 1174
Signet 1129
SIM2 Multimedia 1144
Sole 1184, 1208
Sony 1000, 1064, 1152, 1218, 1178, 1288, 1326, 1370
Soundesign 1019, 1018
Soya 1153, 1257
Soyo 1192, 1239
Spectroniq 1065
Squareview 1017
SSS 1019
Starliq ht 1019
Studio Experience 1070
Su perscan 1011, 1081
Supersonic 1337
Supreme 1000
SVA 1041, 1082, 1085, 1086
Sylvania 1241, 1006, 1002, 1017, 1131, 1149, 1172, 1243, 1251, 1291, 1321, 1347, 1348
Symphonic 1019, 1017, 1251, 1330
Syntax 1207, 1110, 1122, 1159
Tandy 1011
Tatung 1108, 1136, 1137, 1138, 1139, 1170, 1228
Technics 1021, 1004
Techview 1073
Techwood 1004
Teknika 1006, 1019, 1013, 1007, 1010
Telefunken 1036
TMK 1018
TNCi 1001
Toshiba 1190, 1014, 1015, 1127, 1007, 1252, 1246, 1219, 1212, 1168, 1163, 1018, 1114, 1173, 1062, 1028, 1071, 1300, 1338, 1353, 1369
TruTech 1222, 1272
TVS 1023
US Logic 1137, 1146
Vector Research 1002
Venturer 1364
Victor 1005
Vid ikron 1006, 1173, 1210
Vidtech 1018, 1013
Viewsonic 1227, 1051, 1080, 1081, 1092, 1171, 1158, 1162, 1199, 1209, 1223, 1269, 1274, 1315, 1343, 1367, 1371, 1381
Viore 1118, 1217, 1325, 1386
Visart 1160
Vizio 1230, 1081, 1092, 1187, 1228, 1293, 1299, 1306, 1333, 1380
Wards 1006, 1018, 1002, 1013, 1083, 1114
Waycon 1015
Westinghouse 1221, 1092, 1095, 1096, 1133, 1198
White Westinghouse 1023, 1027
Wyse 1171
Yamaha 1002, 1013, 1048, 1051, 1063, 1067
Zenith 1001, 1023, 1018, 1010, 1178, 1392
Ultra 1154

Spectrum TV Universal Remote Codes List

Brand NameCodes
Insignia2049, 1423, 1564, 0171, 0463, 1204, 1326, 1517, 1660, 1963, 2417, 2751
LG1423, 0178, 0017, 1768
Magnavox1867, 1454, 2597, 1755, 0171, 0051, 1365, 1913, 1963, 1990, 2492
Panasonic1480, 1927, 1947, 1925, 0051
Philips1867, 1454, 2597, 0171, 1365, 1990, 2492, 2622, 2992
RCA2434, 2746, 2932, 0047, 2183, 3382, 0051, 1661, 1958, 1959, 1868, 0090, 2855, 3577, 3717
Samsung2051, 1959, 0178, 0812
Sony0810, 1685
Toshiba1524, 1343, 1369, 1935, 1959, 2684
Vizio1758, 2707, 0864, 1756, 0885
Zenith1423, 0178, 0047, 0017, 0463, 1661, 1365

Spectrum TV 3 Digit Universal Remote Codes

Brand NameRemote Codes
Insignia454, 402, 457, 350, 400, 403, 052
LG569, 113, 112, 116, 127, 102, 143, 363, 284, 106
Panasonic034, 359, 164, 080, 552, 524, 056, 208
Philips363, 164, 333, 161, 038, 059, 005, 116, 431, 206, 594, 093, 127, 003
Samsung143, 105, 363, 229, 050, 228, 089, 258, 127, 333
Sharp029, 251, 014, 363, 175, 308, 143, 022, 019, 028
Toshiba258, 138, 325, 040, 030, 230, 007
Vizio386, 387

Universal Remote Codes For Spectrum Cable Box

Brand Name Spectrum Cable Box Codes
ABC 0003, 0008, 0014, 0017
Americast 0899
Amino 1602, 1822
Bell & Howell 0014
Bell South 0899
Clearmaster 0883
ClearMax 0883
Coolmax 0883
Digeo 1187
Digi 0637
Director 0476
Dumont 0637
General Instrument 0476, 0810, 0276, 0003
GoldStar 0144
Hamlin 0009, 0273
i3 Micro 1602
Jerrold 0476, 0810, 0276, 0003, 0012, 0014
Memorex 0000
Motorola 1376, 0476, 0810, 0276, 1187, 1254, 1106, 1540
Multitech 0883
Myrio 1602, 1822
Pace 1376, 1877, 0237, 0008
Panasonic 1376, 1877, 0000, 0107
Panther 0637
Paragon 0000
Philips 1305, 0317
Pioneer 1877, 0877, 0144, 0533
Pulsar 0000
Quasar 0000
RadioShack 0883
RCA 1256
Regal 0279, 0273
Runco 0000
Samsung 1376, 1877, 0144
Sasktel 1737
Scientific Atlanta 1877, 0877, 0477, 0008, 0017
Sejin 1602
Sony 1006
Starcom 0003
Supercable 0276
Supermax 0883
Thomson 1256
Tocom 0012
Torx 0003
Toshiba 0000
Tristar 0883
V2 0883
Viewmaster 0883
Vision 0883
Vortex View 0883
Zenith 0000, 0525, 0899

Spectrum Remotes Manuals List

From below spectrum remote universal codes manuals you can find your brand code then follow programming guide to program your tv.

Remote Model NumberManual With Codes List
Spectrum Remote Control Codes : RC122Codes & Manual
Spectrum Remote Control Codes: URC 1160Codes & Manual
Spectrum Remote Control Codes: CLIKR-5: UR5U-8780L / 8790LCodes & Manual
Spectrum Remote Control Codes:UR3-SR3M/UR3-SR3SCodes & Manual
Spectrum Remote Control Codes: 1060BC2/1060BC3Codes & Manual
Spectrum Remote Control Codes : URC 2060Codes & Manual
Spectrum Remote Control Codes : AllTouch AT8560-Rev-ACodes & Manual
Spectrum Remote Control Codes : Universal Electronics Atlas 5 DVR/PVRCodes & Manual
Spectrum Remote Control Codes : OCAP 5 / M1056Codes & Manual
Spectrum Remote Control Codes : Universal CLIKR-5: UR5U-8720LCodes & Manual
Spectrum Remote Control Codes : Universal CLIKR-5: UR5U-8820LCodes & Manual
Spectrum Remote Control Codes : Universal M2057Codes & Manual
Spectrum Remote Control Codes: Universal: M2067BX3Codes & Manual
Spectrum Remote Control Codes : Universal Synergy V: RT-U64CPCodes & Manual
Spectrum Remote Control Codes : Universal Easy Clicker UR2L-R803Codes & Manual
Spectrum Remote Control Codes: UR3-SR / SR2Codes & Manual
Spectrum Remote Control Codes : UR4U-MDVR-CHD2Codes & Manual
Spectrum Remote Control Codes : UR5 8400Codes & Manual
Spectrum Remote Control Codes : Universal UR5-8400ACodes & Manual
Spectrum Remote Control Codes : URC 2464Codes & Manual
Spectrum Remote Control Codes : Delta-3068 Digital Adapter RemoteCodes & Manual
Spectrum Remote Control Codes : Cisco HDA-IR2Codes & Manual
Spectrum Remote Control Codes : Cisco DTA HDA-RF2.2Codes & Manual
Spectrum Remote Control Codes : URC 2068/2069Codes & Manual
Spectrum Remote Control Codes : Digital Adapter Remote: UR2-RF-CHDCodes & Manual
Spectrum Remote Control Codes : UR2-DTA-TWC2Codes & Manual

How To Program Spectrum Universal Remote?

The below mentioned methods are the best methods to easily program your universal remote with your spectrum tv, check the methods below now.

How to Program Spectrum Universal Remote RC122 Without Codes

  1. Turn on your device (TV, VCR, DVD or AUX too) what ever you want to program
  2. Hit on the “Component Button” (TV, VCR, DVD or AUX) to be programmed and then hit on OK/SEL button together up to 3 seconds.
  3. The “Component Light” will be lightening up to “30 Seconds” that means the unit have been ready to be programmed.
  4. Now you just need to point your remote to the component and then keep pressing on “CH+” or “CH-“ until the device will be turned off.
  5. Now “Test Functions”. (If any thing goes wrong then repeat the procedure from step 3)
  6. Finally, “Save The Code”

How to Program Spectrum Universal Remote With Code Method

  1. Turn on your device (TV, VCR, DVD or AUX too) what ever you want to program
  2. Hit on the “Component Button” (TV, VCR, DVD or AUX) to be programmed and then hit on OK/SEL button together up to 3 seconds.
  3. The “Component Light” will be lightening up to “30 Seconds” that means the unit have been ready to be programmed.
  4. Toward the component you have to you have to point your remote and then “Enter 3 Digit Code” which is assigned to your brand.
  5. The component will be turned off after the “Code” entered correctly, now press the “Power Button” to “Turn On” your component.
  6. Here you need to check “Volume Button” and also “Mute” buttons, to make them sure being worked.
  7. If it couldn’t seems to be worked then try with another digit code and follow from the step 3.
  8. Whenever, you found a working universal remote code then hit on the “Component” button to save.
  9. Your component “LED” light will be blinking if the code have been saved successfully.

These are the simple methods if you couldn’t find any one of these methods didn’t work then try the alternative method.


If you found any thing wrong in this article then leave your feedback in the below comment section and then we will try to give you the suggestions to program your spectrum device remote with your favorite universal remote control.

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